
Keyword: surplus

Guy Glut (4/14/2000)

A serious surplus of single high-tech men has spawned a flourishing matchmaking industry.

Keywords: glut, gold digging, guys, housing costs, living costs, matchmakers, scarcity, search costs, Silicon Valley, single men, surplus, time

Supply and demand (11/2/2011)

Market prices and quantities supplied and demanded are determined by the interactions between supply and demand.

Keywords: demand, demand shift, excess demand, excess supply, price determination, shortage, supply, supply shift, surplus

Supply and demand (transcript) (3/27/2007)

Narrated lecture on supply and demand curves and price determination under free market.

Keywords: demand, excess demand, excess supply, quantity demanded, quantity supplied, shortage, supply, surplus

The Soviet Union - Super Power or Paper Tiger? (4/14/2000)

The dismal transition of the centrally planned Soviet economy to a market economy results from the collapse of an effective government with an encompassing interest and the non-existence of secure property rights.

Keywords: central planners, communism, consumption, democracy, encompassing interest, enterprise managers, investment, market information, privatization, property rights, special interests, state enterprises, surplus