
Taxes (Micro)

Cash for Clunkers - Cash Rebates vs Fuel Tax (8/19/2009)

Cash rebates are an inefficient means to reduce carbon emissions.

Keywords: carbon emissions, cash for clunkers, cash rebates, fuel efficiency, fuel tax, incentive discontinuity

Cost-efficient pollution control (11/2/2011)

Pollution tax could lead to lower-cost pollution reduction than a uniform pollution reduction quota.

Keywords: cost efficiency, pollution control, pollution tax, quota

Tax incidence and supply-demand elasticity (11/2/2011)

Supply and demand elasticities determine who ultimately pays sales taxes.

Keywords: demand elasticity, sin tax, supply elasticity, tax incidence

Taxes and Commercials, Necessary Evils? (11/28/2000)

Taxes and TV commercial take away what we could have otherwise, but are necessary to support 'free services'.

Keywords: disposable income, free lunches, necessary evils, personal income, taxes, TV commercials

Taxing Matters (5/8/2003)

The over-reliance on sales tax for state revenue in Tennessee has created a budget crisis as its border-town residents increasingly shop in neighboring states with lower sales tax rates.

Keywords: income tax, leakage, regressive tax, sales tax

To Tax or not to Tax? (2/2/2000)

Sales tax is easier to avoid than income tax in the age of ecommerce.

Keywords: e-commerce, ecommerce, income tax, regressive tax, sales tax, shipping costs, tax avoidance

Underground Sins (1/14/2006)

High sales tax on cigarettes inadvertently encouraged underage smoking and reduced tax revenues.

Keywords: Canada, cigarette, contrabands, sales tax, sins, smuggling, tax revenues