Keyword: recession
Cardboard Box Index (1/21/2010)
The order for cardboard boxes is a reliable indicator of the business cycles.
Keywords: business cycles, cardboard boxes, recession
Domestic Content (5/13/2010)
Economic stimulus might end up stimulating foreign economies more than the domestic economy when the US is so dependent on imports.
Keywords: bullet train, Buy American, credit crunch, domestic content, expenditure multiplier, fiscal policy, recession, Stimulus, wind farm
Jobless Safety Net (5/13/2010)
Jobless benefits cushion the fall of disposable income during economic recessions.
Keywords: Automatic stabilizer, budget deficit, food stamp, income tax credit, income tax rate, jobless benefits, progressive income tax, recession, unemployment benefits
Savers, Suckers? (5/12/2010)
Savers are collateral damage in the Fed’s attempt to resuscitate a comatose economy during the Great Recession.
Keywords: bailout, borrowers, CD, certificates of deposit, FDIC, Fed funds rates, housing bubble, interest rate, money market funds, mortgage, quantitative easing, recession, savers, Saving, spenders, the Fed, Treasury bonds, yield
Spending Multiplier (11/2/2011)
Spending multiplier in the absence of crowding-out effect.
Keywords: income multiplier, marginal propensity to save, recession, spending multiplier, stimulus