
Keyword: ads

He Who Pays the Piper (2/27/2007)

How on-the-air radio is indirectly funded affects the quality of radio programming as a public good.

Keywords: ads, commercial, consumption rivalry, donations, free rider, free-rider, fund raising, fund-raising, indirect funding, public goods, public radio, quality programming, sponsorship

Sign of the Times (2/27/2007)

Digital billboards can generate more benefit at lower cost by rotating images every 6 to 8 seconds.

Keywords: ads, advertisement, advertisers, Amber Alerts, capital depreciation, Clear Channel, Cleveland, digital billboard, Highway Beautification Act, household appliances, laundromat, time-share car, utilization intensity

Uber as a Two-sided Market (3/15/2015)

By reducing information cost, the internet has ushered in many novel two-sided markets.

Keywords: ads, AirBnB, FedEx, Google, infrastructure, newspaper, price structure, pricing structure, private good, public good, search engine, sharing economy, transaction costs, two-sided market, Uber