
Keyword: Microsoft

Battles of Standards (5/9/2006)

Winners in the battle among proprietary standards can keep out competitors and lock in existing customers

Keywords: Apple, Betamax, Blu-ray DVD, HD DVD, IBM, Microsoft, open standards, proprietary standards, VHS

Genericization as a Market Maker (1/14/2006)

The creation of a new market typically involves the simultaneous development of interlocking parts. Sacrificing the short-term gain for at least one part is often necessary to overcome initial supplier or buyer inertia.

Keywords: Apple, critical mass, Dell, genericization, IBM, Mac, Microsoft, open system, PC, proprietary system, standardized parts, two-sided market

Self-Competition (6/22/2006)

Durability of capital goods poses challenge to producers in a mature market.

Keywords: capital goods, cars, Dell, durability, GM, Intel, median age, Microsoft, obsolescence, replacement, Toyota, trucks, vehicles