
Keyword: CDS

Bubble Economics (6/17/2010)

Run-away securitization of housing mortgages abetted by loose credit rating, shaky credit default swaps, and cheap money led to a huge housing bubble in the US.

Keywords: ABS, Asset-backed securities, bubble, CDO, CDS, collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, interest rate, mortgage-backed securities, rating agencies, securitization, subprime loans

The Greek Debt Tragedy (5/12/2010)

Heavily indebted Greece was taken to task by bond investors who demanded higher yield to offset higher default risk and rating agencies who threatened to downgrade its bonds.

Keywords: bond rating, Bond yield, CDS, credit default swap, debt, deficit, EU, Greece

Under Water (1/22/2010)

Securitization of mortgage loans has fueled a US housing bubble whose bursting has put one in four mortgages under water.

Keywords: CDS, credit default swaps, housing bubble, mortgage-backed securities, rating agencies, securitization, subprime loans