Hence, the maximum profit output level can be identified by looking at the MR and MC curves directly instead of the total profit curve.
Let's draw the MC curve first.
The inverted S-shaped TC generates a U-shaped MC.
Now, let's draw the MR curve.
The constant sloped TR curve generates a constant horizontal MR.
The maximum profit output level can now be determined by where MR intersects MC.
For a price taker, MR is equal to the prevailing price.
Constant price means constant MR
MR = P
Profit from P and ATC
Although MR = MC can pinpoint where the maximum profit output is, MR and MC alone cannot tell how much the maximum profit is.
To measure profit per unit output, we must compare price (P) with average total cost (ATC).
Let's bring back ATC... and AVC.
At Qπ where MR = MC, average profit is positive. So is total profit.
Caption: P - ATC > 0.
Total profit = (P - ATC) * Qπ
Suppose that the price were to fall. When P = minimum ATC, total profit is zero.
When P falls below minimum ATC, each unit would incur loss by bringing in less revenue than per unit cost.
Total loss would increase until none of the fixed costs is covered when price is equal to minimum AVC.
Short-run supply
Since the maximum profit output levels are determined by the intersections of MC and various levels of P, the segment of MC above minimum AVC represents the short run supply of the firm. At the minimum AVC point, the firm is indifferent between staying in business and quitting altogether. Therefore, minimum AVC is known as the shut down point for a price taker.
In the short run, as long as P > min AVC, the firm may choose to stay in business even though price does not cover all costs because part of the fixed cost is still covered.
In a perfectly competitive industry, the market price is determined by supply and demand.
This market price then becomes the horizontal demand curve of the price-taking firm.
When the market price is high, the firm makes a profit.
This positive profit will attract entry of new firms.
Entry of new firms will increase supply and shift the supply curve to the right.
Increasing supply would lower the price, which in turn lowers the profit of the firm.
Entry of new firms will continue until there is no more positive profit.
If entry is excessive, the price would be too low to cover the ATC .
Although lower price in the market will increase total quantity demanded, the output produced at each firm is reduced.